Jungle wedding in front of a rushing waterfall
Weddings |
Wedding from $ 1533 / £ 1303 |
Rocks covered with lush tropic vegetation fashion the cathedral, the sandy shore decorated with exotic flowers in front of an emerald green pool, represent the altar. The rushing of a majestic waterfall, glistening in the sunlight that
breaks through the canopy of the jungle, creates the melody to your
Package includes:
• Decoration of the wedding car
• Decorations at the waterfall
• Finger food
• Bar service
• Attendance for all formalities
• Bridal bouquet and button holes for the groom
• Civil or religious arrangements: license, priest or magistrate, government fees
• Best man / maid of honor if needed
• Wedding cake
• 1 bottle of champagne for bride and groom
• All transfers to the authorities and to the wedding location
• Prices valid for all hotels in Crown Point, Scarborough and Black Rock; surcharge for Speyside and Castara on Request.
• Decoration of the wedding car
• Decorations at the waterfall
• Finger food
• Bar service
• Attendance for all formalities
• Bridal bouquet and button holes for the groom
• Civil or religious arrangements: license, priest or magistrate, government fees
• Best man / maid of honor if needed
• Wedding cake
• 1 bottle of champagne for bride and groom
• All transfers to the authorities and to the wedding location
• Prices valid for all hotels in Crown Point, Scarborough and Black Rock; surcharge for Speyside and Castara on Request.
Combined with the hotel of your choice. To select: Click here.
Formalities & Documentation for Weddings
A wedding under palm trees in Tobago is easily achieved. You have to stay on the island for 3 full days before the wedding license can be issued and bring with you the following documents:
• Valid passport,
• If divorced, the divorce papers,
• If widowed, the death certificate,
• In case of a change of name, request confirmation,
• If under 21 permission of parents/ guardian.
Documents in any foreign language need certified English translations. With the wedding package a local attendant will accompany you to the official places. Formalities take no longer than 2 hrs.

Package price in US Dollars & British Pounds
Valid from 1-1-2018 to 15-12-2018
Inquire without obligation or book Jungle wedding in front of a rushing waterfall